Scared he can track me ...

So I met this guy on tinder (literally was praying he would swipe right) anyways after some convo on tinder, we exchange numbers and we chat over WhatsApp... iv sent a few pictures to him (nothing scandalous just selfies) any ways over the last week he’s become insane, like he’s a controlling and abusive boyfriend. He told me if I block him I will be sorry and I have been warned ... now I’m really scared cuz although I’ve read I can’t be tracked by phone I’m worried about my pictures ... in my phone I can see what road and city the picture was taken on (btw he lives almost 2 hours from me so it’s jot like hes close by) I really just want to block him but I’m so scared I literally feel like he would come hunt me down and murder me ... I’m more worried about my little girl, he knows I have a daughter although I only shared one picture of her with her back to the camera .... I’m sick with worry he’s going to be able to track me down