is he lying about this!? saving ex pics?

my husband has a private app to store pics/videos and store private ones. i went to look at our private videos and came across some pictures of his ex wife's cousin. one w her alone, another w her and her husband, then one w both his ex and her cousin. and another one w her ass in view while rock climbling. i confronted him, he just laughed it out, and deleted it. he didnt say a thing about it. until i told him im going to leave if he doesnt explain it to me cause i will assume that hes in love w his ex wifes cousin. he got serious and said it got cached from facebook. he was talking to her to get thru to his ex wife to see if she wants his old car FOR FREE. but that time i told him to keep it for me to drive. i didnt know he was gonna give it to his ex wife for free. do pics really get cached from fbook? or hes fking lying and saved her pics?