Baby girl! ❤️


She arrived fast and furious 4/20 two days early 😂 had minor contractions from 9pm to 12:30 am then they just stopped. So I go to bed and wake up about 3:30am to a stomach ache, instantly I had a painful contraction. They started coming at the same intensity 2-5 mins apart. By 5:30 we were heading to the hospital, arrive by 6am they get us in, its6:30 am contractions are still2-4 mins apart. They check me I’m at 6cm, I told them I wanted something to take the edge off but not an epidural. So they tell me theyll put the request in and call my dr. My parents arrive by 7:15. By 7:30 I have to push, nurse checks me and I’m at a full 10, still no pain meds because they took their sweet time! The nurse calls for the dr and everyone else because it was an instant urge to push and the room wasn’t ready. Dr walks in tells me to push but I couldn’t feel contractions anymore so I just start pushing 3 pushes later she’s arrived at 7:44am. Only 4 stitches, she was 8 lbs 11oz. She looks like her daddy ❤️