So confused! What do you think?

Chelsie • Isla June ‘16 💖 Lachlan Dec ‘18 💙 Maisie 💕 Dec ‘20 - born to Jesus @ 30wks umbilical cord accident 3️⃣👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 Dec ‘17 March ‘18 May ‘20 (7wks)

So this AM I took a test with my FMU. I was supposed to get AF today but my last “period” was my miscarriage. However, with my previous miscarriage (yes, two in a row 😑) I got my period exactly one month after the start of bleeding. Anyway... my result this morning was a faint line (the blue test pictures first below). So then I found out that pink line tests can be more accurate for positives. So i went out and got one of those. Clear positive with 8pm pee (lol), but I’m still second guessing because I had my HCG level tested a week ago and it was 5 still... so could this be positive because of that still?! I just want anothe baby and want to know now if I’m pregnant or not!! Also, have had some light spotting today when wiping - wondering if that could be the start of AF. But I feel like mine doesn’t usually take a whole day to get going.