should i keep my baby?


this might be long, but I need some advice. I am 16 years old. I had my first when I was 14; she is a year and a half years old now. they both have different fathers. the father of my first is a good man and works very hard to provide for her. the second is a horrible drug addict guy with some dark secrets. I decided on adoption. i have been bonding with this family, and adoptive parents are very open with me and want me to be as involved as I want to be, and I trust that because this woman has seriously become my best friend besides the adoption. I was getting really excited about going to school, getting my own place, and still being able to support the child I have now, which I know will be much harder with two kids at my age. I was getting really excited and pumped about this adoption, and then I have a dream about my baby girl... she was beautiful and I never wanted to let her go.. here I am, just 12 weeks away from my due date, they have already helped me so much, paid a lawyer, etc.. but my whole family is supportive and encourages me to keep the baby. and, today I have been really doubting my ability to let someone else raise my child and not be apart of her every day life. I think I could work this out, and still accomplish what I was before I got pregnant again. but, things are had on me as it l, and I really don't want to break adoptive moms heart (she's getting really excited, and had a failed adoption last year).... guys, I'm at a loss, and all of this makes me sound like a bad person, I know.. but I am a good mother. I just don't know what to do..