borderline personality disorder

Is anyone else out there who is in a relationship or have a family member that has a borderline personality disorder? Cheated? Abuse you? Manipulated you? Blames you?

I’m currently dealing with this type of relationship as we speak, I’m wondering if there is anyone else dealing with it?

Should I leave or stay? Any input from people who have experience with someone like this would be a great help.

I love him but will it work......I just spend about 4 hours reaching how to help him and myself, I don’t want to give up on him but it’s so hard, specially when you can’t express urself because I don’t know what he would do, he is vey manipulative and has gotten physically and emotionally abusive and he cheated on me as well and is still in contact with this woman, but lies to me about or makes me feel like I’m the bad guy. It’s not easy sometimes I feel like I’m dealing with a child! I have reached out to some counselors and I hope to get somewhere because apparently he been this way since 14 and his family didn’t get him the right treatment, and even now they are so careless about him, it’s like they say u married him ur problem now. one minute he loves me and wants to stay with me then next he don’t want nothing to do with me, actually he blames me telling me I’m the abuser. I never dealt with someone like him before. I just want to be a good spouse to him.