Ectopic Pregnancy - bowing out gracefully


Last month my husband and I experienced my first ever miscarriage, zero pain just lots of blood. I have 1 very healthy 15 year old so only 1 live birth. We found out we were pregnant again on 4/8/18. We were over the moon praying for a healthy rainbow baby. Then it happened, I began bleeding on Wednesday just slightly and then bleeding a little heavier on Thursday. No clots just red blood with mild cramps on my right side. Friday morning I woke up to severe cramps on my right side and my husband rushed me to the emergency room. I got in right by 715 I had my room. They came and brought me my first dose of morphine an hour or so later which wore off in less than 20 minutes. I had a transvaginal ultrasound to which I was not allowed to watch any of it. Shortly after I got my second dose of morphine which last maybe 20 minutes and then the pain because excruciating. I was screaming begging for anything as the pains were worse than labor pains. Then they came and gave me the HCG levels were at 3724 but there was no sign of baby in the uterus. They could visibly see fluid but couldn’t tell what it was. So they called in the gynecologist on call for his evaluation. They decided to double the morphine at that time to which I was finally able to sleep a little and at 1130 my mother and brother came and joined us. By 1145 the doctor was in there telling me my options...he would check for ectopic but if there was nothing he wouldn’t do the dnc that would usually occur in case there was a viable pregnancy. Within 45 minutes I was on the operating table and when I came out they let me know it was not a viable pregnancy as it was only ectopic. I cried and cried and couldn’t wait to see my husband and family. It was then that I found out the severity of my case. A blood clot had formed by the baby in my right fallopian tube and ruptured it. The size of the blood clot was 450 ml...the size of an average coke can. Had I not of went to the ER the doctor informed I could have died...had I not of made the decision for surgery, I could have bled to death and died. I no longer have my right Fallopian tube as the blood clot destroyed it. I’m just lucky to be here and still get to be a mother to my 15 year old. One day again we will try but for now, we will take it easy. Wishing the rest of you ladies on here all the best!