Mother from hell


okay, YES. i love my mother. but she has a very strong personality and love, love, loves control. Im 20 my fiance 25, weve been together almost 5 years, own our own home, are remodeling, well off and have our own vehicles ect. we're basically set. Now when i told my mom i was pregnant her words were "you do realize im only 37 and your brothers 8 and sister is 4.." mind you she had me in highschool... following this she DEMANDED she be at our first apt and first ultrasound. we set our boundaries straight with that. it is OUR special moment and that is that... shes been making comments all 5 months so far about how "they were going to have another but cant now" and basically placing blame on us. she spends all kind of outrageous money on us that we DO NOT ASK FOR AT ALL, we are VERY comfortable financially. and then ny dad gives us attitude and makes snarky comments that he has to work more to afford this stuff... i know my mom and shes veeerrrry centered on almost making this all about her, even took to say she needs to take her 2 week vacation when i have the baby so she can sit here... we do NOT want that. but this follows with she DEMANDS to be in the room when i deliver... which now we have had to come up with a birth plan that basically allows us to SNEAK to the hospital and we have to keep it extremeley under wraps because my aunt requested the same and my mom SNUCK INTO THE BIRTHING ROOM MID PUSH. and at that point my aunt had said fuck it and didnt want to argue... now im a very private personal person and she does not respect that. and she will refuse to allow for my aunt to be there in the room because its not her... im honestly getting so fed up with tip toeing and being told how things will go or her not asking permission before posting photos of me (i want to do a reveal pregnancy video of all my belly pics) yet she went ahead and posted her own. i also know we want our first week to ourselves, as well as no photos being taken in the hospital because we simply cannot trust that they will allow us to announce the baby first but i know this will all be a huge deal and i really am at a loss for what to do😕