Finding out he’s talking to other women....


Hi ladies... I feel so heartbroken and alone today. Yesterday before my 15 week ultrasound I got a weird gut feeling that told me to go through my boyfriend’s phone (which I have never done in the whole relationship). I found multiple messages of him trying to get girls to hang out with him, him saying sexual things to them, and just it was really hard to see. They all happened in the end of March/beginning of April. I’m so hurt from it, as I already feel so ugly and fat and like I bore him now. It makes me feel worse about it since he’s asking girls to party with him. It feels like I’m not fun or good enough for him anymore. My heart hurts so bad and my head hurts from crying. We’re going to do couples counseling to try to figure something out for the baby’s sake. I really trusted him with my life and now I feel like I cant anymore. I just don’t know what I did to deserve this...😞