my sister announced my pregnancy for me šŸ˜” kinda rant

Katie ā€¢ 20 yrs old ā˜€ļø Leonardo 10.16.18 šŸ‘¶šŸ»šŸ’™

hi guys so Iā€™m 19 years old, currently 14w5d pregnant. I havenā€™t told anyone on social media but I know my closest family and friends know.

I was waiting for my next appointment, at 16 weeks to get a picture and to tell everyone.

But last night I started getting messages saying ā€œcongratulations! I heard from your sisters Instagram.ā€

Sheā€™s my twin sister.. she has an Instagram that isnā€™t private and then a private Instagram. I donā€™t follow her private one so I donā€™t know what she said about me, or even why. this is my first pregnancy, I really didnā€™t get the chance to tell anyone myself. I only told my mother and my fiancĆ© myself..

My sister even got very mad at me earlier on and told my dad and my older sister.

Iā€™m so upset and I donā€™t know if Iā€™m being ridiculous.. sheā€™s a very cruel person. if I bring it up to her, I can only expect a huge argument.

a couple of days ago she told that she had sex with a guy and then messaged his girlfriend, who is pregnant, and she told me ā€œshe thinks I wonā€™t fight her but I wouldā€

I donā€™t know what to do!! Am I being ridiculous for being so upset about this?