Miscarriage or never pregnant? (Sorry long post)

Jordan • 💕 momma to baby AJ 2-18-19

My period was not supposed to show up till yesterday but for the past week I had very vivid dreams and in each one I would take a test and it would be positive so a friend of mine who’s pregnant said I take one on Tuesday I wanted to wait till I missed my period but she insisted so I took a test and it was a faint positive. Over the next couple days I took 5 tests with different brands and they were all positive (faint but slowly getting darker) so Thursday after work I went to the doctor and was confirmed with another urine test that I was indeed pregnant. My husband and I were so happy as we’ve been trying for a family. Late that night I had some mild cramps but I knew that could be normal. All Friday I was a bit uncomfortable having mild cramps but nothing concerning. This morning I woke up and was extremely nauseous and had some brown spotting. It then turned to pink spotting and I got a bit worried. At work as I was drying a dog (I’m a dog groomer) I got a very intense cramp that I couldn’t handle it and went to the bathroom where I had a large blood clot (almost the size of an egg) come out and I started to freak out. My manager drove me to the ER where they took a urine test that came out negative. So they took blood and the doctor said there were no levels at all so I was never pregnant. The man was very rude and inconsiderate. He laughed at me when I tried to explain why I took a test before a missed period, told me I’m young so I’ll be fine, and kept cutting me off when I tried to explain my symptoms that I’ve had for the past few weeks (I thought I was getting sick before I took the at home tests) I’m in so much pain and the blood is thick and such a dark red it’s pretty much black. I tried to tell him this is extremely abnormal for my cycles. I stopped talking to him because he was just making me feel worse. When he left the room I told the nurse my symptoms and that use multiple tests with different brands and they were all positive she said it was abnormal and to see my OBGYN as soon as possible.

This was the last at home test I took on Thursday morning in person the second line was pink not grey I don’t have a good camera.