Venting/just need someone else to hear me

Courtney • Dairy Farmers Daughter•Bubba•Stella•MonDak

Okay, so after 4 years of being at my old job. I left. All because i found one of my dream jobs at a tractor and equipment dealer(YAY FOR ME!!!) and this job made it possible for me to start living with my fiancé. Now the day before i start my new job, i get a phone call from my dad saying that my grandfather had passed away(totally flipping my life upside down, and making it harder to farm with only really 4 of us. But my job is so far i can’t help this year) and to top that bad week off, my fiancé got told he was fired from his job which was giving him housing as part of his salary package. Now his job pissed me off because they didn’t even let him do what he was hired on to do. So we’re scrambling for a place to live, we found an apartment that we can move into next weekend and my beloved puppy who’s only 12 weeks old, has to go and live with my parents who are an hour and a half away from me. Now we just put in an offer on a house that’s 31 miles from each of our jobs, on 9 acres, and needs some remodeling(and i can have my puppy back!) I’m settling in at my new job just fine, and my fiancé is back doing what he loves, operating equipment(and where he works kind of offered me a position, but that’s a lot of knowledge i have to cram into my already packed brain) it’s been a crazy month for me and i don’t have many “girl friends”

Thank you if you’ve made it this far! Just needed to get it off my chest💜

Update::: We didn’t get the house we originally picked. So we picked another, another no. We pick another, maybe. But it’s still 40 minutes from my job. And now there’s talk of HIS MOTHER COMING TO LIVE WITH US! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! I can’t even have my OWN DAMN KITCHEN because when she comes it’ll be “her stuff we will be using, and apparently her kitchen too” ummmmm NOOOOOOO! And i really can’t stand that when we have steak or red meat, i have some ketchup because i like the flavor combo. He gets pissy at me when i use it saying, “well if my mom comes to live with us she’ll ask you to leave” okay, so I’m not going to be allowed in OUR house if i want to have some flavor with my red meat. Ughhhhh