Have been trying to conceive for the past 13 months with my husband

Have been trying to conceive for the past 13 months with my husband. We’re both in our mid thirties so knew it may take some time.
​Each month was hard when you realise it didn’t happen, and this time we booked a holiday so we could relax and not let the pressures of home life and work effect us.
​We used the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow APP</a> and ovulation strips to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">track fertility</a> days, and felt we were trying hard to get it right.
​So.... 4 days ago I took a test which was negative, and I was gutted. I felt so sad and tried hard to not share this disappointment with my husband. But I started feeling queasy this morning and thought I’d take one more test.... and positive! Wow!
​So exciting times are ahead for us as a family, but it took us a while to conceive and I felt it may have taken even longer. If it’s taking you a while- I thoroughly recommend if you can, taking time between you and your loved one, and enjoy each other, as the stress of it was getting to me.