dog acting strange


So my husband and I have a mini schnauzer named Gus.  We got him when he was 9 weeks old in July 2017.  He has literally been my buddy and we've always said he's a Mama's boy.  This seemed to become even more apparent when I found out I was pregnant in November.  He loved to cuddle me and sit in my lap and I was loving all the attention. 

However, the last few weeks have been strange because Gus seems to avoid me now.  I'm almost 27 weeks pregnant at this point and my husband thinks Gus's behavior is related to the baby somehow.  When I'm home with Gus, he goes upstairs away from me or under the dining room table in the next room from where I am (I usually relax in the living room most of the day).  If he's resting in his little bed in the living room, he'll get up and move if I go to sit next to him or near him.

Here's a good example of how it is when I'm home alone with Gus versus when my husband is home with him.  Almost immediately after my husband leaves for work around 9:15, Gus usually goes upstairs and sleeps under one of the end tables of our bed.  The other day, he was up there for about 9 hours!  I went to get him around noon to walk him (I walk him almost every day of the week...and my husband walks him when I'm at work on the occasional Saturday) and we walked for about an hour which is typical...but he immediately went back upstairs afterwards. 

So yesterday, I went to work for about 6 hours and my husband was home with Gus.  My husband played video games most of the day and only stopped to walk Gus around noon for about an hour.  Once I got home, my husband told me that Gus slept in the living room with him all day and didn't go upstairs once or under the dining room table. 

I really don't understand why Gus has no desire to be near me now.  It's not like we don't do fun things together (I took him for a hike the other day and he had a blast lol) and I know he still loves me because he still greets me with kisses when I'm at work and come home.  And yes, I give him treats and I try to play with him (he gets bored and leaves after only a few minutes of playtime).  I really just don't get it!  It makes me sad...mostly sad for him because I don't want him to think that I don't love him because I'm pregnant or anything lol.

One more thing to add: Gus sleeps in bed with us and usually he sleeps right between us.  He typically cuddles with my husband more than me because I used to move him because I just get unbearably hot lol.  Now, though, Gus sleeps on the opposite side of my husband so that he's as far away from me as possible.  What the heck??

But I guess my question is: is anyone else in this boat with their dog acting weird about your pregnancy????  And what did you do about it?  And did it go away once the baby was born?  I want Gus to like the baby!