Shania Twain saying she would have voted for Trump.

🌻🌺Trinkster🌺🌻 • Mamma to my little man 10/02/18 and little girl 11/29/19

She posted or said something that if she could have voted, she would have chosen Trump. Am I the only one sick of people getting SO offended over celebrities having different political views? If I based what I watched and listen to based on what I think and believe, goodness I'd having so little to watch considering most of Hollywood is "liberal"...if that's l guess the stereotype.

I get it, her opinion is not popular, but I guess I don't get why people sometimes get so worked up about it. 98% of the people I like and follow have 100% opposite views than I do and I don't hold it against them. Also, this isn't me supporting Trump. I also think Republicans and Conservatives go apeshit like this too over things. 😫