Condom mishap (funny)

So I had sex for the first time today and it was literally the most incredible experience ever and I’m so happy. It was literally so fucking good and we actually came together?! Like bruh, anyways since we were both virgins, trying to figure the condom was interesting to say the least.

So basically what happened was we got to the point where we needed the condoms so he got them and opened one up, so these condoms are the ones his friend gave him because he was low on money and were teenagers so that’s the shit we do. Anyways, he starts trying to put it on and it gets around his head and just won’t go. So we figured it wasn’t big enough so we just took it off (we didn’t wanna risk it breaking) so he goes to get the ones he bought like a year ago which are a bit bigger. (We also checked to make sure it wasn’t expired)

So once we get the bigger ones, he starts trying to put it on again, but he’s having troubles so I look at it and realize he’s trying to put it on backwards. I laugh and shake my head and take it off. We laugh about it for like 5 minuets or so, and then we get another one and this time I try it.

I was able to get it on, on the first try, and I just give him that look. You know the look. 😂

See I’m happy because the experience was amazing, we wore a condom and he pulled out so I’m not slightly freaking out about pregnancy, And I was able to laugh with him. I know so many teenagers who’s first times sucked but I’m so grateful that this was mine.

But the infamous condom mishap will probably make me laugh whenever I think about it for the next couple years.