This melts my heart with Joy. Lifes too short to worry. be happy. Take in everday & Love it.

So my Love Eily... we met on a social app. I was on just to make friends and what not and well now we've been dating for quite some time. Our relationship is Great even though its long distance and we've talking about life together. and well our lives are pretty short he has a spinal cord disease and me well cancer. hes 20 im 17. and we've been moving pretty fast but ive never felt so Alive honestly. besides love I feel Hope. I finally feel like i want to live forever & anyways we talked about marriage and he said one day he would although im not holding him down to it because sometimes things changes. but Today id just Wonderful. I love him so much. we both have severe depression & anxiety but Its been forever since we'veboth been freed from it. I love him so much. God, im lucky. it makes me cry with happiness .