Panic attack from being away from baby

Momma 🦋 • Mother of 3💕 SAHM💗 Wife🤍

First time mom to a beautiful 5 month old baby girl. Haven’t left her side her whole life. I went to the er last night due to severe pain and they wouldn’t let my baby be with me and she has to sit out front I started having a severe panic attack couldn’t breath and was crying like a little baby for my baby 🙄🤭😭

I felt so bad my daughter loves her momma and she honestly rather have me then her daddy or anyone. I herd her crying and screaming and I just broke down! Soon as I was done and walk out the er room and when she seen me her face lit up with a huge smile 😃 and that just made me even more emotional lol

Anyone els can’t stand to be away from there babies ?