Looking for encouragement and hope


I’m currently experiencing my 3rd unexplained chemical pregnancy/ miscarriage in a little over a year of TTC our first baby. I am devastated and angry. I feel like it’s never going to work out for me and I’m not sure how many more times I can go through this. Please tell me that there are women out there who have experienced similar losses who went on to carry a healthy pregnancy and give birth. I’m just feeling emotionally drained and hopeless. It’s hard to talk to friends and family because they all have kids and while a couple of them have had one miscarriage, they went on to have multiple children immediately after and just don’t get it. It’s easy for them to say “oh it will work out for you soon”. It’s so sweet of them but I can’t help but feel like I can’t relate to them and they can’t relate to me and what I’m going through. 😞

For those who have experienced miscarriages and got pregnant again after, how did you deal with the immense fear of losing your baby again during the pregnancy? Every time I get pregnant again I can’t enjoy it because my fears of losing the baby are validated over and over again.

Thanks in advance. ❤️