I’m 5 weeks and 1 day!


I just found out I was pregnant on Saturday! Still doesn’t feel real. But I’m already in love, I talk to sunny (babies nickname) almost all day. I’m having cravings already mostly for salty, spicy, and savory foods. I’m hungry most of the day, about every few hours. No morning sickness whatsoever, and I’m hoping it stays that way lol. My child’s father told me to get an abortion as soon as I told him the news, but I just can’t kill my child. This is my first child, She’s innocent and didn’t ask to be here in the first place. I’m prepared to be a single parent. God, my family, and close friends are all in my corner supporting me and Sunny and that’s all we need! My first ultrasound was today, it was too early for them to see the baby so they rescheduled me to come back in two weeks. I’m praying for a healthy pregnancy and birth. I cannot wait to see her! I feel it in my bones that it’s a girl ♥️😍💯