H E L P !!!


I need help. My hairstylist I’ve been going to for the past few months messed up my hair and I don’t know how to approach it.

I messaged her letting her know I don’t like my hair and she responded “thanks” I said “for what?” And she thought I was sending her before and after pics.

She barely answers my messages and she booked me and I couldn’t go that day because I wasn’t busy so she booked me another day and I messaged her I was on my way and she told me as I was driving to her (I live 30 mins away) and said that she had to reschedule.

I was pissed.. she had all day to tell me this but tells me when I was on my way.

So she said she’ll look at her schedule and find another day to fix it.

She never responded to me and I had to message her multiple times...

Finally she responds “I have bridal showers! I can’t do it anytime soon! I have to help my daughter move! I’ve been so busy! Also my birthday is coming up!” I responded like I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be a bug and now I have to wait 3-4 weeks.

I’m not her friend and she didn’t do my hair for free, I paid 140 and gave her a 40 dollar tip.

She treats me like I’m not a client and like some friend who did a free service.

She is constantly posting pics of other ppls hair.

I’m sitting here crying cause my hair looks HORRIBLE.

Someone please give me advice? Should I ask for my money back? I’m so hurt because I’ve gone to her multiple times and she did my hair horrible.

She’s not even treating me like a client...

The pic of the IG screenshot is what I asked for and the other pic is what I got.

She usually does everyone’s hair so beautiful and just didn’t care about mine. I asked for a balayage. It looks ugly, unblended and there is a huge patch of brown, yellow and white blonde in person.

PLZ GIVE ME ADVICE. I’m afraid of being rude and hurting others.. but she clearly doesn’t care about me.

UPDATE - I sent her a message telling her how I’m upset with how this was handled and that I’d like my money back. I explained how I’m a client as well and I spent good money on my hair (a lot of money to me at least) tipped more then 20%

It was 140 I gave her a 40 dollar tip on top of that.

She’s dropped me so quickly which hurts my feelings.. she doesn’t really care about me as a client but whatever. All I want is my money back and I’m getting it back.

I already found someone better!