Dr.'s screwing with my head!


So my husband and I have been TTC for about 9 months now. I got my first menstrual cycle on my own since August last month. My Dr. prescribed me provera and femara. Said if my period didn't show this week to start the provera to induce period. Well I started spotting on Sunday and have been spotting since, but there is no "flow". I am cramping some, but not like a regular period. My Dr. is on maternity leave so another dr responded to my message this morning and said to consider the spotting my period and to start Femara on day 3 of my spotting, but my dr said before she doesn't consider it a period until you have normal flow. I have NEVER had light periods, not even on birth control, so i know this isn't like a normal period. Would you ladies recommend just starting the provera to try and get a period and then start femara day 3? Or start femara on day 3 of the spotting? Confused is an understatement.