Help! Need advice

Is there a book or articles that I can give my fiancé to read about what my body is going through? I feel like he just doesn’t understand. Before we got pregnant, he said he was gonna take care of me and be that man that just did too much. Wouldn’t allow me to walk far, make sure I was drinking enough, eating enough... that type of stuff. And now that I am pregnant, its like he’s not doing what I thought he would. He said I’m barely pregnant. I just don’t think he gets what we as mothers go through during pregnancy. I didn’t feel like this with my daughter(10yrs old). I’m so emotional, my anxiety is through the roof. I feel depressed. I feel overwhelmed. I can’t remember shit either. And now nausea just started and it’s making me feel so drained. I feel horrible. (Sorry for whining ladies, feel free to tell me to suck it up)