Anyone else have a toxic mother?

I'm almost 36 weeks with my second son. My first son is going to be 6 this year. When I was pregnant with my firstborn the first thing my mother said to me was that I needed to have an abortion. I am 100% against abortion. Also I was 20 years old, and had a job, a good relationship and me and my boyfriend (now husband) we're excited to be parents. Abortion had never even crossed our minds. It still bothers to me to this day that she suggested it because now she says she couldn't stand to live without my son in her life.

My mom and I have always had a dysfunctional relationship. I was the good child growing up. I got great grades, never did drugs, never partied, helped around the house, got a job as soon as I was old enough, very responsible, etc. I mean yeah sometimes I was a smart ass but what girl isn't at some point in their life??? My little brother on the other hand was a nightmare. He is bipolar and has ADD/ADHD. He was very short tempered, got into trouble all the time, acted out in school, never listened to our parents, and to this day is a loose cannon, drinks, can't keep a job, experiments with drugs, and burns bridges with literally everyone who tries to help him out.

Out of all of this she always makes me feel like I am the worst person ever whenever I try to defend myself. Everything is my fault, even if it was really hers or my brothers. This leads me to the present.

My husband had found some information out that my brother was experimenting with some nasty drugs, and mentioned it to my mother because he was worried about him. All my husband asked was that if she did confront my brother, that she leave my husbands name out of it as the source because my brother is a loose cannon. Well, she didn't do that. She told my brother that my husband told her the information, which resulted in my brother calling my husband screaming, cussing, and threatening him over the phone.

Understandably my husband said after that phone call he does not want our 5 year old son and our next son to be around my brother, which I don't either. I told my mom this and she flipped out (my brother still lives with her). She texted my husband saying she "HATES HIS FUCKING GUTS" and that he "will pay" for keeping our sons from her and that we are so dramatic because my brother would "never hurt anyone." Which isn't true because my brother has thrown chairs at me, put nail polish remover in my tea, slammed a door on my pregnant belly when I was pregnant with my first son, he has thrown a remote at my head, put holes in the wall of my house, killed my pet hamster when I was a kid by letting our dog "play" with it, and the list goes on!!! And that's just the stuff that's happened to me personally.

Anyway, my point is....does anyone else have a toxic mother like this??? How do you deal with it??? Especially when your kids are involved in their lives?? I'm so stressed out and she is being so ridiculous and dramatic. Ugh.