Not written by me but thought it was nice


Every so often I venture down the baby aisles of my small town Walmart. Sometimes it’s for the purpose of needing a baby shower gift, while other times, when I am feeling brave, it’s to imagine and dream. Because as heartbreaking as infertility can be, I do like to try and imagine of the day when I would need to frequent them often because my dream will have finally become my reality, and therefore my tiny miracle will be in need of something.

However today, I ventured down them not to dream or imagine for myself, but rather for you. And as I thought of you, I found myself praying for you. Praying for the day to come soon in which you would be able to stroll down these aisles and not for the purpose of needing a baby shower gift…or to imagine…or to dream…or to pray…but because you need diapers and you are out of wipes. Or because it’s time to buy more formula or another binkie because somehow you have lost the last one in the seat cushions.

Sweet sister, I know waiting is hard and even dreaming of this day is painful because sometimes it just HURTS to hope. But never be afraid to dream with God. He is faithful to His promises. He is faithful to His word. And the desires He has birthed within the soft fertile soil of your heart? He will be faithful to make grow. So hold on sweet friend and know that today God was faithful to hear the prayers I prayed for you.

“Blessed is she who has believed the Lord would fulfill His promises to her.” Luke 1:45