Need to vent

Saturday 04/21 I got my bfp and I was the happiest person ever. We had been ttc for 11 months and we thought it wasn’t gonna happen. The one month we didn’t try it happened. We were both over the moon. Saturday night I started spotting light pink. I thought this was normal and tried not to stress. Sunday the spotting became bright red. We went to the ER and they said I had a UTI and it was too early for them to tell me anything else. I went back yesterday, two days later, to get my HCG levels checked again. They dropped from 660 to 440. They told me I was naturally miscarrying and sent me home with a pamphlet on what to expect. Today I am home just waiting for the miscarriage to happen naturally but so far all I’ve had is mild cramping. My heart is devastated and I don’t know how I will be able to heal from this. I just had to put my story somewhere. I’m sorry to anyone else going through this. The wait for it to happen is the most terrible, they told me it could take days.