Pcos pregnancy


So I have severe PCOS and have always been told I can’t have kids because of it. Well I thought I had a scare a couple years ago, turns out I can test positive at any given time to be pregnant Bc of my hormones. Well because of that I can’t take a home test I have to have a blood test done. But I have been sleeping with this guys and told him my situation and we decided that we didn’t need condoms and no I’m not on any birth control. Well here i am now. Feeling weird.

But when I say weird I mean I can’t sleep on my stomach with out waking up in pain, I’m super super tired all the time, when I get up like stand up I’m light headed constantly, I go days where the smell of food makes me sick, and then I have days where I want to eat everything.

My best friend, my mother and all my co workers have noticed or at least have asked me if I’m pregnant Bc I guess I have a glow?

I don’t see it, and I think they are crazy, like I’ve been told I can’t get pregnant Bc of my pcos. Even though they told my mother the same thing and I’m 1 of 3. I just not sure what to do and could use some advice from someone who has dealt with this.

Edit: so my body is super sensitive and when I say sensitive I mean my SO ask me to send him a picture of me playing with my kitty which is normal for us. And like it was fine but I’m super irritated Bc it hurt to play with my kitty I was so sensitive. My boobs are the same way. If this isn’t pregnancy idk wtf is wrong with me