I'm notorious for dumb questions...


But could I be in labor? I had some inconsistent pains in my back and abdomen late last week that have now just focused to my back. It's not unbearable pain but incredibly uncomfortable at times. I've been losing bits of my mucus plug for a couple weeks now. My bump also looks smaller, I'm thinking maybe from her dropping down and changing position. I'm not bleeding and I'm not leaking. I'll be 33w tomorrow, so I know it's early. But I'm sure I'll end up going early again, my son was only eleven days early but still. I never really felt his contractions. I felt pain, but not the waves of tightening or anything like that. I'm just worried I'll end up not going in when I need to. My hospital is an hour away and as much as I'd love to have a home birth, neither myself nor my home or anyone else to help me are prepared for that.