Alani Lynn 💕 Born 3/8 @ 4:44 AM


On 2/26 my mucus plug came out and it freaked me the hell out lol. 2/27-2/28 The rest of it came out the biggest blob I’ve ever seen it wasn’t what I expected. 3/1-3/2 I had white and yellow discharge throughout the day and everytime I stood up I would leak a lot. 3/3-3/4 At this point I put a pad on and whenever I went to the bathroom a sweet smell would be coming from the pad which concerned me but for some reason I NEVER went to the hospital 🤦🏾‍♀️ My babyshower was on 3/3 and I was feeling great through the whole evening which was crazy. On 3/5-3/6 I went to the hospital on the 6th feeling like I was having early contractions they checked me and said I was closed up and baby should be here on her due date in two weeks 😑 (He also said my contractions where 8-10 minutes apart) That night when I went home I couldn’t sleep the pain got worst to mild period cramps, bubbling in my lower stomach, back pains, tightness, nausea, acid reflex & on and off pinkish discharge. 3/7 Little to know sleep non stop contractions minutes to seconds apart I couldn’t stand up straight, sit down, walk nothing it was VERY MISERABLE! Around midnight I screamed for my mom and told her something wasn’t right the pain wasn’t going away 😩 We live in Boston and during this time it was a huge snow storm going on outside we called the ambulance and headed off to the hospital. Once we got there they took me to triage and asked all these annoying questions after that I got checked and I was 10cm! 😱 Now this is my first baby so the thought of having her natural really scared the life out of me! They wheeled me to the delivery room laying on my side while sipping apple juice lowly groaning in pain. My water broke all over my nurse I felt so bad screaming “Omg I’m so sorry” I pushed for about 4-5 more times and my babygirl came flying out!