Birth story😍

Doshare • 4.25.18💫 5.26.21☄️

All started on April 24th I was 39 weeks 4 days went in for my weekly check up. Baby girl wasn't meeting all the requirements to get a perfect 8/8 like normal. My doctor decided to send me to the hospital 45 mins away to get some more monitoring done. I got to the hospital about 2pm and at 3pm they decided it'd be best to induce me. They started me on pitocin shortly after. I wasn't feeling the contractions at all. On April 25th at 7:48am my doctor broke my water. I started feeling contractions but was only 2cm dilated. I pushed through the pain till 4-5cm dilated when I decided to use nitrous because the pain was a little to much. About an hour later they stood me up and tried to get me to walk around but the pain was so bad that I asked to get the epidural. Before giving it to me they checked and I was 6cm dilated. I got the epidural and it helped like a blessing. Two hours later my nurse checked me and I was 9cm dilated. About 20mins later I was ready to push. My little girl was out in the world Wednesday April 25th at 4:18pm weighting 7lbs 15oz and 21inches long. She is perfect and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Novalyn Grace my gorgeous daughter.

First time mom so I didnt know what to expect going into this.