Missed Twin?


Alright mamas. Me again. I swear I’m having twins. I could go into it but this is SO different than my first pregnancy. Twins also run in my family. Well, I had an early ultrasound today due to some sharp pain on my lower left side, and I swear I saw two sacs when she was moving the wand around but she only focused on one.

Have any of you missed a twin in an early ultrasound?! I’m not convinced there’s only one in there 😂

I also had blood work done, at about Midnight Saturday night (was in the ER due to pain) my blood was 1807, Monday morning it was 3205 and by Wednesday I was at 6800! I’m only 5w3d but my levels were high enough that my doctor scheduled an ultrasound for 6 weeks in addition to the 8 week scan. When did you see your twinnies?

Picture of (one of my?) little peanut(s)