Pregnancy/Birth Story


My baby just turned a month old so I suppose I should finally write this! Last June my boyfriend of 8months and I decided to stop using protection. Two weeks later (a week before my period) I really wanted to test but he said it’d be way too soon. Well I dragged him to the nearest Walgreens and the cheapest test was $18 🙃 so I dragged him across town for the 2for$3 tests at Walmart and we go home. I take the test..... it’s faulty-no result 😏 but I got a two pack so I try again and.... also faulty- no result 😡 so I finally accept I’m just not meant to test and I’ll wait it out. The day my period was due it didn’t show (which really doesn’t mean anything, it usually comes on the third or fourth day) but I had a nagging feeling to test. So on the way home I stopped at dollar tree and got two tests. There was the faintest line but it was a line!!! I rushed over and told my boyfriend, we couldn’t have been happier 🤗

everyone was so supportive until we told his family. They acted supportive and then as soon as I left they demanded to him that I get an abortion. They claimed his entire family would disown him if we went through with it. This went on for a couple of days. There was lots of fighting, lots of crying, the works. Finally I said f them and picked my baby and our family’s happiness over their opinions. As soon as they realized I wasn’t going to do it, they quickly got over it. (His extended family has been nothing but happy for us, it was just a scare tactic)

My pregnancy went smooth as could be. Lots of heartburn. Swollen feet. Towards the third trimester I got lots of pain in my pelvis, the only thing that helped was my yoga ball. But healthy baby. All was well. When I was 36 weeks I had really bad abdominal pain so I went to labor and delivery. They had their hands in my kooka so much I started bleeding, therefor throwing off their amniotic fluid tests 🙄 it was a rough night and I left feeling worse than when I went in.

My due date came and went and nothing happened. I was set to be induced on the 28th. On the night of the 24th, I was feeling really wet, whatever- normal I think. The next morning I still felt crazy wet. I called labor and delivery and she said it sounds like normal discharge, the next morning after that I start bleeding. I decide to go see my doctor, since labor and delivery was just traumatic the last time, and I’m too pregnant to be dinkin’ around for nothing. At 10:30am I saw my doctor, and at 10:45 I tested positive for amniotic fluid, so we started walking over to the maternity unit 🤭

They started me on pitocin since my water had been leaking so long, I was at risk for infection. Nothings really happening, no contractions, but these damn monitors are falling off left and right. Around 5pm, my ob came in to insert an internal contraction monitor, since the one on my stomach wasn’t picking anything up. When she had her hand in me, she unknowingly broke the rest of my water, until of course there was a hot gush of water all over her arm and my legs 🙈 the SECOND my water was completely broken the contractions hit- HARD.

I wasted my time with nitrous oxide but it did nothing. By the time I said f that and asked for the epidural I was in a lot of pain. He finally gets in there- kicks my boyfriend out (this was very emotional for me. He was the only support person there and when they made him leave I was a wreck) half way through the epidural a code blue comes over the speakers. The anesthesiologist had to go attend to it so he left me hunched over my belly- which btw hurts so badly. I couldn’t move or I’d mess up his progress so I had to sit perfectly still and grit through the contractions for about a half hour. With no support person. The nurse held me as I sat still and cried praying this procedure would be over soon. Shortly after it was finished, my contractions came back just as hard as before. This was at 8pm. Another anesthesiologist came in to give me a second dose. She gave me plenty cause I didn’t feel a thing after that.

Pushing was tiring, I was so out of breath and thought I was going to faint. My internal monitor had fallen out and the external one wasn’t reading anything, and since I was so numbed I had no clue when a contraction was going to happen. My nurse just had to guess when the right time to push was. She said we were going to do practice pushes, to get her lower in my pelvis, but an hour later and in came the doctor. I gave a good push and next thing I knew she was on my chest.

My baby girl Poppy was born at 11:17pm on March 26th 😌 she’s amazing and hairy- the heartburn was worth it! I never thought I could love someone so much until I met her. She’s a month old now, sleeping through the night since day three 🙌 I’m being treated for postpartum depression but feeling great since starting Paxil. My boyfriend and I are so in love with her, it’s unreal. We can’t wait to try for another. Here’s a few pics and thanks to anyone who actually read this whole thing!