Natural ways to induce abortion???

So I found out I’m pregnant April 15, that was the first test I took. A few days later got a blood test and confirmed. I’ve been in utter shock since the home pregnancy test. I got a ultra sound to see if my pregnancy was viable and at 5 1/2 weeks the heart still wasn’t beating so we all thought i was miscarrying. Which was a relief in a since. Like i didn’t have to make the decision. Then i went back this morning because i haven’t bled yet. So for another ultrasound at 7 weeks and the heart was beating. Now my heart, mind and soul are torn. I don’t know what to do. I keep praying for a sign. Something to guide me towards the path I’m meant to take. I live with my religious and strict traditional foreign parents, this is something I can get disowned for. I also have my modeling career and my school to think about. I’m still living with my parents working 20 hours a week for $10/hr while going to school full time. I just found out the guy i was dating for that pst six months is actually engaged. He’s also just been so stubborn about wanting to keep it. But I know he’s not the right person I would want a child with. I can’t and won’t have his toxic energy and behavior continue to linger in my life. I don’t have the resources to be the best mother I possibly can. Every time I thought about myself in this situation i always thought i would choose abortion. But this is definitely harder than I thought. I research a lot about abortion and found that there are some natural ways to induce the abortion. I read about cinnamon, vitamin C, parsley, pineapple and etc. has anyone used these methods before? Have they worked? I started taking cinnamon and vitamin c tablets today. I’m wondering if it’s going to work and if not then I have appointment set on May 11. I need words of encouragement and support. I’m going through all this by myself. No one knows what I’m going through.