Baby came faster than expected!


Miss Betty Rose!

She arrived this morning at 6:15am 6lbs 14 oz 20 inches. Sugar levels great! Everything is going good with her.

Went in late to be induced on Thursday afternoon. First round of misoprostol (cervix softener) at 4pm, decided wait till 10:30pm for second round. They figure I'd sleep through the night (given a sleeping pill), 3rd round at 3:30a 4th at 7:30am then a couple hours after that do Picton.

Baby had other plans. Kept waking up wanting to pee and kept getting contractions.

At 3am I woke up my husband to walk the hallways. Contractions about every other minute. At 4am I was dilated to 5. Called for epidural. At 4:15, water broke naturally. Contractions got harder and faster.

4:45p Epidural wasn't bad. It was contactions during it that were intense.

Check at about 5am, I was at 10 cm. Nurse basically ran to call the doctor in. Doc arrived around 5:20am. Pushed for about 7 time. Had the baby at 6:15a

Everyone telling me that labor was fast and unbelievable quick.

I'm doing good, having trouble with blood pressure being high. Might actually have Preclamsie. So I stayed in the hospital till Sunday before being released. Very happy Momma! and Baby and Daddy!