Fingers crossed with the right man

Namaste ladies

I’ve received a lot of encouragement from your stories so I am sharing mine.

In my 30’s I was in an abusive relationship that resulted in two abortions. I wasn’t trying to get pregnant, my uterus is too small for an IUD and I have terrible reactions to other bc methods. It was my second marriage, and considering I was able to consciously avoid pregnancy with my first husband - I assumed my second husband would be as respectful and understanding. He wasn’t, so I left him.

My third husband is amazing. I fell pregnant late last year but miscarried before I even made it to the first doctor appointment. I just turned 40, he’s 45, and I’m finally in an emotionally stable enough place to start trying again. As difficult it was to go through what I experienced, I am happy and feel blessed to have found the right person to share my life with.

Love and thanks to everyone here. Reading your experiences has been a true light after a dark time.