In need of positive vibes


Hey Ladies, in need of some positivity, feeling abit rubbish and down. Had a HyCosy done with the private clinic im with last month, right tube was fine which is great, but left one showed no spillage, consultant said they cant confirm weather its blocked or not as i would need a HSG to confirm that ( Hsg is the same as hycosy but xray is used and a different dye, so it would show much clearer image) on top of that my sis in law may be pregnant again, she already has a 1 yr old, im not jealous but i just feel rubbish. I have been prescribed Clomid to try for my next cycle. But now i have to find a hospital who does the HSG and pay more. The clinic im with doesnt have the hsg machine, it is also private so i payed for everything. Have any of you gotten pregnant with 1 damaged tube on clomid? Im thinking to try Clomid for a couple of cycles and then do the hsg? i dont know im so confused and stressed.