My Beauty Routine!

Lena • Dump your boyfriend 💅🏽 live your best life 💅🏽 Australia 💅🏽 pro choice

I just felt like sharing my beauty routine in case anyone is interested 😇😇


-brush teeth with Oral B whitening paste

-cleanse face

-Tarte maracuja oil

(If I’m wearing makeup that day I’ll use sorbelene and silicon pore filler)

-If I wear makeup I make sure to at leastttt wipe off my foundation as soon as I’m home


-remove makeup

-cleanse & exfoliate (exf every 2nd/3rd night)

-apply Apot.Care hyaluronic serum, vitamin b3 serum and vitamin C serum. Sometimes I’ll add bio oil

-every second or third night I use Mario Badescu silver powder on my nose and chin to help reduce large pores and black heads (doesn’t eliminate them completely but makes a hugeee difference) I’ll do this before applying serums

-apply lash lengthening serum

-exfoliate and moisturise lips

-brush teeth with whitening paste

-apply whitening strips to teeth for one hour

-apply cuticle exfoliator and then cuticle oil to all my nails (I’m a certified nail tech 💅🏽)

And that’s meee.

What do you guys do?