Two miscarriages and I’m 38

I just had my my second consecutive miscarriage a few weeks ago... first one was in December when baby was supposed to be 9 weeks and measured at just over 8, second one we found out about on ultrasound at our 9 week appt when baby stopped measuring at 6 w 4 days and we literally had seen and heard the heartbeat at 6 weeks and everything was great. I’ll be 39 in less then two months and we have no other kids. We got married at 37 and I get pregnant fast sothat hasn’t been the issue. I can’t help but feel worried though, and like my Time is ticking. I never thought I would be going through this once let alone twice. Immediately after my miscarriage on 4/13 I decided to go to a fertility specialist and am now getting testing done, though most of my testing I can’t do until my cycle comes back and he wants to wait for two cycles before doing them which will put me in June at this point. I’m very worried about my age , I feel like Time is ticking AWay and I’m never gonna have a baby. I always wanted at least two now I would be happy with at least one heathy one. I’m absolutely terrified and feel broken. The specialist brought up some possible causes to me on our first consultation, One was egg quality and how it declines after age 35... I knew this and never thought <a href="">IVF</a> was smtnng I had to consider because of the fact that I seem to get pregnant fast. I might be jumping the gun but from any of you ladies over age 35 is <a href="">IVf</a> something you did after recurrent pregnancy loss ?? Or have any of you been fine and not had to do it? On top of the grief of my two losses , this has just been an absolute nightmare. I always thought I would be ok as long as we started trying before 40 and here I am almost 39 and with in the last four months I’ve already had two losses. I feel like people don’t understand and I just feel lost and broken. 😢