MiKylah Sky Graham Arrival ♉️💕


On April 30,2018 I woke up in a good mood & decided I’ll walk & get me french toast stick from Carl’s Jr. Came home & layed down around 3pm I started feeling sick my stomach hurting & I had to go poop . I had diarrhea , now I’m having light contractions nothing to serious so around 10pm I started having contractions but they was still light but now I’m feeling pains in my booty & my back is hurting , so my friend stop by & im eating chicken tacos & just talking to her now I’m still having contractions but they still want strong it’s now 11pm almost 12am , she leave so 10mins later my contractions are getting stronger , I sit in the shower hoping the contractions would stop but they just kept coming so my baby father ask me do I wanna go to the hospital but I tell him no not until my water break . So now its 1220am & I’m continuously going to the bathroom because it felt like I had to poop but nothing was coming out , so I call my sister to see if my mom was up so I can go to the hospital but she wasn’t so I’m telling my sister I’m having contractions & I can’t really sit down so she tell me go wake my baby father because it sound like I’m in labor , so I wake him & ask him do he feel like going to the hospital & he couldn’t take me because his 3 year old son was there so I told him to call the ambulance, the dispatcher was giving him instructions just in case I went to labor at home but I couldn’t lay on my back because the contractions would get strong & I had the urge to push so I just sat up . The ambulance arrive take me to the hospital & when I get to the hospital triage I’m 3-4cm dilated & my water bag is bulging so they move me to the labor room & literally in 2 mins I’m already 7-8cm dilated so I’m begging for the epidural but the kept telling me no not until I get my blood work done & it came back , now at this time my baby father & his son arrive & im getting help from my nurse to breath thru my contractions, the lady come in to take my blood finally now I’m at 8cm dilated & 100% effaced , so while she taking my blood I’m having a contraction & my water break so when she done she inform my nurse that she think my water broke & my nurse looked & said yes it did . Now they getting the epidural set up so the guy can come do it & my contractions are coming faster & stronger to the point I couldn’t hold back from pushing, the helpful nurse tell me to sit up so we can practice breathing before the guy come to do the epidural , boom I sit up & have a contraction immediately & started pushing but tried to keep from doing it , the nurse tell me oh no you can’t get the epidural so I’m begging & begging for it but the contractions was coming back to back & stronger , now I’m laid back on the bed & the nurse holding my baby head in calling for the labor team & doctor they all come rushing & I’m holding back from pushing but my baby & them contractions had other plans for me so i get a contraction & boom I push hard & my baby head come out , her shoulders & now I’m just relaxed & all the pain is gone , I was so shocked that I pushed a baby out I just went numb & couldn’t move so the nurses are telling me she’s her she’s here you did a good job she beautiful mom look , I just couldn’t I was out of it , then I finally looked at my baby & touched her I was so happy I couldn’t cry . It took a total of 4 strong contractions to deliver my baby girl , she arrived at 409am no pain medication all natural ♉️💕 I labored for a total of 6 hours I’m so thankful to have a healthy baby & a safe delivery , unfortunately my baby father missed her being born because she came super fast & instead of getting the epidural I went straight to pushing & he couldn’t come back in the room 😔😔