paragard and 15 days late

🐵🦉🦖🦊 • SAHM 🧒JEC 5/12/11 🧒CIC 3/20/14 🧒IJC 3/25/16 👼JRC 9/7/17 - 5/31/18

UPDATE- I went to see my Dr she ran tests and everything is normal. today I finally started my period! 😄😄😄 I have had paragard for about 5 or 6 months. my cycles are always regular. even after having a baby, once I got my period back, it would pick up as if it never left without skipping a beat. I am currently 15 days late. I have taken 3 HPT and they're all negative. also since getting paragard I have been seeming to ovulate twice a month. which is not normal for me. I have been keeping track of ovulation for 5 years now. about 7 to 10 days after my period ends I will start having ovulation symptoms, egg white discharge, cramping on one side, spike in libido, and a positive LH test. then about 5 to 7 days later same thing. the LH tests are VERY positive both times. this cycle I did the same as every other cycle I've been having since paragard. then my period never came so I tested, BFN. around the time I was 5 days late I started having ovulation symptoms again (3rd time in the month of april). so I tested with LH and again another VERY positive LH. so I took another HPT and it was negative. waited a few more days tested again and still negative. I have an appointment with my Dr today but was wondering has anyone every experienced this? I know paragard is not hormonal. I know how it works. I know it won't stop me from ovulating and shouldn't interfere with my cycles other than possible heavier bleeding and cramping.