Baby not growing?

Katelyn • Mommy of 2 little boys and 1 baby girl! Married to the love of my life!💙💙💛💖

I had an appointment 2 days ago and my baby was weighing barely 4 lbs. I’m 35 Weeks and when he was measured awhile back at 30 weeks he was 3 lbs. 9oz. I’ve had a VERY high risk pregnancy and not going all into details about everything that has been wrong, I will say I have had hemorrhage’s since I was 10 Weeks. So I’ve been on bed rest ever since then. (Obviously I could move around some but not much bc of how much bleeding I was having) we were told it could effect him with his growing by my high risk doctor and two other OBs. I go for a growth scan Tuesday so I’m just wondering about everyone else’s experiences?? I was measuring 30 Weeks instead of 35 which is what I’ve been measuring since I’ve been 30 Weeks. Babies heartbeat is good but this still concerns me. They want him out before 37 weeks IF anything seems concerning in anyway bc of how much trouble we have gone through. I’m 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced already. So idk. I’m just a terrible worrier. Lol.