Embarrassing Natural Birth 😣😥👣


So, yesterday (May 2, 2018) I went to my hospital for a scheduled induction. For my own reasons, nothing medical. I called in at 5am and was told to come at 7:30am. Got there on time and started pitocin at 9:30 am after the nurse checked my cervix and said I was 4cm but not in labor on my own. My OB gave me a VERY small dose of pitocin because he wanted to deliver my baby but wasn't on call until 5pm that same night. On and off I'm assuming I was having some silent labor contractions because I thought they were braxton hicks and that the pitocin hadn't kicked in yet. Around 10:30-11:00 am I felt my first 2 or 3 painful contractions that were coming every 2 to 3 minutes. My nurse assured me everything was fine and that I was only 5 cm dilated. she left for maybe 5 mins and my water broke. she came back a few minutes later and I got my epidural at 12:12 pm literally5 minutes after my epidural I was still crying and waiting for it to start working when it felt like I needed to poop ungodly. I started panting and couldn't stop shaking. I started crying because I guess I had terrible anxiety and because it was such a strange powerful painful feeling out of nowhere. she checked me and said it was go time and I was 10 cm. she ran out into the hallway for the doctor and told me not to push. I laid and waited crying for about 3 mins trying so hard not to push when the doctor finally came in. (here comes the embarrassing part lol) I was screaming and crying and shaking and refusing to push because it hurt so bad. My doctor was telling me not to cry and push because the baby needed my oxygen and I was breathing too fast. I delivered at 12:28pm. The reason I'm posting is because I feel embarrassed about crying and screaming the way I was because the doctor laughed at me a little and everyone was talking to me sternly to be quiet and push. but I couldnt. It hurt like hell. and I was terrified. am I being silly for feeling how I do or is that normal? how did your natural birth go?? com

ments please! it's

eating my brain.