Baby boy was born đź’•đź’•đź’•


On 04/30/2018 I woke up for work at around 6:45 AM, I went pee and when I wiped I looked down and saw my mucus plug! Other then that I had no sign that labor was near, but I messaged my boss anyways and told her I wouldn’t be coming in that day. I spent the whole day trying to stay active to get labor rolling but I really didn’t feel any significant contractions until that night at around 7:30 PM. My contractions were still inconsistent but painful so I asked my boyfriend to leave work (he works nights) when he got home I was still doing pretty okay, but the pain started to get worse. To get my mind off of it we decided to get in bed and watch a movie. About 30 minutes into the movie I felt a big gush of fluid and got out of bed as fast as I could to try and avoid it from soaking the sheets. I decided to go to the bathroom shower off and head to triage. When I got out of the shower things really started to intensify, so we grabbed our stuff and ran out the door. The pain was so weird I just remember so much pressure on my but hole and feeling so uncomfortable. We got to the hospital and slowly walked our way over to the main entrance I had to stop a few times for contractions. Finally we got to the third floor and for checked in, at this point I was in labor mode. I was angry I was in pain and I wanted some pain meds. I was doing that weird breathing groan thing through each contraction and the pain got so bad I ended up throwing up. Finally after what felt like forever the nurse came in and checked me at 11:11 PM, she said I was at a 4+ which really surprised me! I didn’t think I had dilated that much so soon. Another half hour passed and they finally admitted me, that’s when things got really painful, I had to walk over to L&D; and my vision started to get blurry. I remember people asking me questions to check me in and I just couldn’t come up with words to respond. They said I was dehydrated and I needed fluids before I could get my epidural so the first thing they did was try to start my IV which took two tries. Once they got the IV in my nurse hung my bag of fluids and called the anesthesiologist and she was there within 5 minutes it was awesome. They had my sit up and arch my back and the epidural was in within 10 minutes. I felt instant relief, but then I realized I was actually still feeling contractions on my left side, so they came back in and moved the catheter around and then I was fully numb this was at 12:30!!! Woo hoo!!! After that I just laid there and tried to relax. At around 4:00 AM my doctor came in to check me and said “your son has a lot of hair” I kind of looked at her like how the heck do you know that!??? And she laughed and said “honey you’re at a 10 and his head is RIGHT there” so they started getting everything set up and at 4:35 AM I started pushing. Baby boy was born at 5:00 AM on the dot on 05/01/2018 weighing 7 lbs 1.8 oz 21 inches long. We are home now and so in love with each other. My boyfriend was amazing through the whole process. I love my boys so much. Thanks for reading, sorry if it doesn’t make sense, I’m sleep deprived! Lol