Born May 2, 2018


I’m sad currently because my old account wouldn’t let me log in. I had deleted this app for a while because I was busy and never on it and now I can’t remember my log in information. Oh well.

On May 1st, I started having contractions. They felt a little worse than the Braxton Hicks I had been experiencing, but nothing too bad or consistent. I’ve read multiples times that you can be dilated and have contractions possibly weeks before you actually deliver so I didn’t think too much of it. This was around 8:15 that morning.

A few hours later the contractions started to get a little closer together, at this time they were anywhere between 5/10 minuets apart. I was staying at my moms because she lives closer to my hospital, and she didn’t want me to go into labor alone. She told me that since my water hadn’t broken and they were still kind of inconsistent that we could wait a little longer, so that’s what we did.

Around 1:30 p.m, I was walking down the stairs to get a drink and I felt a gush if water down my legs. I was shocked because no one I knew had their water break on it’s own, so part of me wasn’t expecting it. I started to gather my things for the hospital, and at this point my contractions were around 5 minuets apart. We had a 30 minuet drive to the hospital so we decided to go ahead and go.

When I arrived at the hospital my contractions had become extremely uncomfortable, to the point where it was getting hard to breathe through them. They checked me, and to my surprise I was already dilated to a 5 and 100% effaced. They admitted me to the hospital and got me all settled in. At this point, I was beyond ready for the epidural but the anesthesiologist was behind, so it would be another hour or two before he got to mine.

Let me tell y’all, those two hours were miserable. I was struggling to breathe through them, and I was cussing the entire time. It wasn’t very classy, but I’m sure all of you that have been through labor know that you don’t give a shit in the moment. 😂

I finally got my epidural around 4:30 p.m, and it seriously made such a difference. I was actually able to be in the moment and enjoy my time after it. I was 6 cm dilated when I got the epidural, and I was stuck at 6 cm for over 8 hours. They started to think I was going to end up having a c-section because nothing was helping me dilate past a 6, but finally around 1:30 a.m. on May 2, I made it to a 7 so they decided to wait a little while longer.

Around 6:30 a.m, I felt a ton of pressure like I needed to push, so I called a nurse and it turns out I was right! They got everything ready and I was ready to start pushing around 7:00 a.m.

After pushing for 2 hours, he arrived at 9:18 a.m.

This was the happiest moment of my life. This little boy saved my life.

Parker James

5/2/2018 9:18 a.m

8lbs 2oz, 20.5 inches long