
So my ex bf and I have been dating on and off for 2 years now but we have always been super close friends (we’re broken up now). Our group of friends went on spring break to Mexico a couple weeks ago and when we were there the first night we had sex and it was good and then we went back out and hung out with our friends and nothing was weird. The next night, I took a few too many tequila shots and ended up blocking out. I woke up the next morning to a used condom next to my bed and no underwear. I asked my friends and they said we went upstairs around 12:30 and I never came back but when he did he and another guy high fived or some shit and told him we had sex. I have no memory of any of this though and I don’t know what to do. We haven’t brought it up since but we still hang out daily in our friend group. Should I talk to him about it or just leave it be?