This happened yesterday but I'm still pretty pissed.

Meg • Baby number 2 just born a couple months ago

I've had seriously bad morning sickness these past few weeks. To the point where Monday I ended up first at urgentcare and then the ER for dehydration. Cut to yesterday, my first day at work this week because of the ER trip. I was still pretty bad but went to work anyway because I only had a dr note for Tuesday and can't afford to miss more work. I work in a giant warehouse, our companys section is only run by me and 6 other people. My section is just me and one other person. We keep a trash can with a trash bag in it right next to my worktable, specifically so I can reach it if needed because the only bathroom in the building is across the building in another company's area. I got sick an hour into work, barely made it the two feet to my trash can. The other person in my section walked away to grab something and let me do my thing. I finish vomiting, grab some gum, and take the trash bag out to the dumpster immediately. When I come back in, the other female in my companys section of the warehouse (who has already made a habit of standing nearby after I get sick and telling me how both her pregnancies were perfect and she never got sick once, and already irritates the hell out of me with her inability to take responsibility when she messes stuff up) walks over from her section at least 50 ft away, hands me a bunch of ziplocs and tells me I need to throw up in a ziploc while running to another room in the warehouse to a different trash can she put a bag in so she doesn't have to see or hear me. She actually smiles and laughs while miming vomiting into one of the bags as if it's some joke, then tells me I have to do it because my randomly getting sick bothers her. We have three different radios blasting (including one right next to her) and forklifts going. My coworker that works in my section was 10 ft away and barely heard me (he heard her and was like dude how could she even hear you). And when I throw up I keep my back to most of the warehouse to shield everyone's view. Not to mention the fact that I can barely move the 2 feet to my trash can, let alone run over 100 feet to another room. And I literally just was in the hospital for dehydration which could harm my baby, but she only cares that she looked up and saw my back while I was in the trash can. I had to stop speaking and stare at her until she walked away, I was so pissed. Like I get that if I'm standing right next to someone and puke it's gross. But she literally couldn't see or hear me, and I was not gonna make it further than the trashcan I keep right there.

Our boss came over a few minutes later and I told him what she said and he literally rolled his eyes and told me if she tries to pull that again to come to him and he'll deal with her, thankfully. But I am still so angry.