Opinions needed please

So I am on the birth control pill and have been for probably 7 or so years. Last month my pharmacy messed up and I went about a week and a half to two weeks without my pills. During this time, my boyfriend and I had sex multiple times with him finishing in me. Now just this week I did get my period. It’s kind of light and I did have some cramping the first day. The new thing though is I have been waking up completely drenched in sweat at night. This has never happened to me before. I’ve also been super moody lately. I did take a pregnancy test and it came out negative. I’m just wondering if my birth control has anything to do with me still getting my period and me possibly being pregnant. I’m also constipated and just plain uncomfortable. I’m just not sure if it is new period symptoms or pregnancy symptoms. Luckily I go to my gyno next week for my annual so I will definitely be bringing up the new symptoms. Please no negative comments. Thanks.