Clomid for men

Mrs. K • 👼🏻👼🏻 👶🏻🤰

Ok so my husband and I have seen a urologist a few times and tests have come back to show low testosterone for him. The urologist was explaining most all testosterone replacements will drastically drop our chances of conceiving. He mentioned we could try clomid for my husband because it will help boost his testosterone and boost our chances of conceiving. We went to get a semen analysis first and we’re waiting for the results now. I called the urologist to see if we needed an appointment for him to prescribe clomid or if he could just send the rx to our pharmacy. He said we would need a fertility specialist to prescribe it and not him.

My husbands insurance doesn’t cover anything to do with to see a fertility specialist just for the initial appointment would be $300. Talk about overwhelming and feeling defeated...

So my question is if anyone or anyone’s partner has been on clomid for lowT and who prescribed it? Do you thing a regular dr can prescribe it or does it have to be strictly through fertility specialists?