Would you be mad?

So my three of my coworkers know that I’m pregnant I’m currently 8 weeks. I told them because I trust them. However, I did something stupid. I told two other women on my floor because I felt comfortable enough to tell them and we have talked about other personal things before. Well today one of the supervisors which I stay away from because I don’t trust her came up to me and said “I am pissed at you” I am like uh okay? She’s like do you have something to tell me. At that point I was like crap here we go. I told her just get to the point what is it. She asks me am I pregnant and I was like yup. I didn’t tell many people because I’m early. She goes well someone on our floor told me. I was like okay who. She was reluctant to tell me. So I said was it this person? She was like yeah it was her. I don’t know if she just went with the first person I suggested because I don’t trust her ass either but she goes to me yeah don’t tell her anything personal etc.. apparently the lady thought she knew I was pregnant and that’s why she said it even though when I told her she said she wouldn’t tell anyone. So I don’t know if she was trying to intentionally tell my secret or what. I swear women are so petty and love to gossip. Ugh. I’m not mad really because eventually people are going to know but like it’s not your secret to tell. What would you guys do?

Update: I think the lady that told me she knew has been telling people because of a comment another lady made. I eyes rolled super hard.. people are trying my patience.