My Birth Story :)


My story starts at my drs office. I have naturally high blood pressure so I was always on watch for preeclampsia.

I was at my 37 week appt and my BP was at its high point. My dr checked my cervix, I was 3.5 cm dilated and 90% effaced.

She asked me to get my blood work done at labor and delivery to make sure my baby and I were healthy. As I was waiting for my blood work to come back I had dilated to 4cm.

The Dr. on call was like "I was going to send you home because your tears are normal, but you're at 4cm so, I hope you're ready to have your baby"

I had 2 sacks apparently, she broke one, a nurse broke the other. I opted for epidural because contractions were kicking my ass all week before (was having prodormal labor for almost 2 weeks before this point).

I was in labor for 14 hours. my baby, bless her little heart, was turned 3 times to be face down and chose to be a stubborn little one and chose to come into the world face up and eyes full of wonder ;).

for 4 hours of my 14 hour labor I pushed. I had to have an episiotomy and the dr had to help pull her out. Her face got stuck in my pelvis cause she didn't wanna stay face down after the dr turned her.

After all was said and done, my baby was born 37+1 at 5lbs 13 oz and 18 inches long on March 11, 2017 at 3am precisely.

This is her at one years old :)